Monday, 17 February 2025, 2:06 AM
Site: Education Portal
Content: Resources (Resources)
Terminology: Terminology


Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is an uncommon type of stroke caused by bleeding into the space around the brain (the subarachnoid space, found between the arachnoid and pia mater).

SAH classically produces a thunderclap headache - patients report a sudden-onset headache that is the worst headache of their life.

SAH can be traumatic (the most common cause), caused by head injury, or be spontaneous, typically due to a ruptured berry aneurysm.

Radiopaedia - SAH


Speech and Language Therapy (SALT or SLT) is an AHP.

SALT involves the support and treatment for people who have speech, language, communication or swallowing difficulties.

SAS Doctors

SAS Doctors are not in training grades and nor are they consultants or GPs.

Doctors who have knowledge, skills and experience in a specialty that is approved for the award of a CCT by the GMC but have gained these outside of an approved training programme (including as a SAS Doctor) may apply for entry onto the Specialist Register with a CESR in a CCT specialty.


Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) is a slowly-developing IE, typically caused by the Streptococcus species S. viridans.

SBE is an infection of the inner lining of the heart (the endocardium) and is associated with vegetations on heart valve surfaces with eventual valve destruction if the infection is not treated effectively.


The Society of Bedside Medicine (SBM) is a global community of clinical educators dedicated to bedside teaching and improving physical examination and diagnostic skills.

Learn more

Bedside Medicine Resources



Spontaneous coronary artery disease (SCAD) occurs when a tear appears in the wall of a coronary artery.

SCAD presents similarly to angina or a heart attack, and may cause an MI or even cardiac arrest.

SCAD typically affects young to middle-aged women, many of whom have no/few risk factors for CHD.

ESC Position Paper on SCAD - Adlam et al. (2018)


Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) was set up in 2006 by the Medical Royal Colleges in Scotland and is based within the RCPE. Clinicians had become increasingly concerned at the escalation in alcohol-related health damage in Scotland - both in its acute effects seen in admissions to EDs and in chronic conditions such as liver disease and brain damage.

SHAAP website


The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) develops evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the NHS in Scotland.

SIGN website


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, known as lupus) is an autoimmune disease where the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissue.

Lupus can affect many systems of the body, including the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys and brain.

BMJ Best Practice - SLE


The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) is the national source of advice on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of all new medicines for NHS Scotland.

SMC website