Saturday, 4 May 2024, 3:11 AM
Site: Education Portal
Content: Resources (Resources)
Terminology: Terminology


A transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS or TIPSS) is an artificial channel within the liver connecting the portal vein with the hepatic vein, allowing (a proportion of) blood draining from the bowel to bypass the liver's portal venous circulation.

TIPS is used to treat portal hypertension and is a life-saving procedure in oesophageal/gastric variceal bleeding.

Radiopaedia - TIPS


TLoC is transient loss of consciousness - also known as 'blackout'.

NICE Clinical Guideline (CG109) - Transient loss of consciousness ('blackouts') in over 16s



Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is the feeding of specialist nutritional products to a person intravenously, bypassing the GI tract.

BNF - Intravenous nutrition


Thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura (TTP) is a rare blood disorder that results in blood clots forming in small blood vessels throughout the body (disseminated microvascular platelet rich-thrombi).

TTP results in a low platelet count, low red blood cells (microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia), and often kidney, heart, and brain dysfunction due to reduced oxygen-rich blood flow.

TTP is managed with plasma therapy (plasma exchange for acquired TTP; FFP for inherited TTP) and immunosuppression.