Tile Name Description
Guidance and examples File Challenging Case Guidance
File Challenging Case Guidance

PowerPoint template

File Challenging Case Extra Guidance
File RCPE Respiratory Case
Comprises the content of an original Word document submitted to us, including history, investigation, management, learning points and assessment questions. If you prefer to do the case in PowerPoint, that is also fine.
Patient consent File Consent - Clinical Images (Anonymous)
Permission to use clinical images (or video) where the information is presented anonymously.
File Consent - Clinical Images (Identifiable)
Permission to use clinical images (or video) where anonymisation may not fully protect identity. Every effort will be made to make the information presented anonymous.
File Consent - Clinical Information
Permission to use clinical information about a patient's condition. Every effort will be made to make the information presented anonymous, so that others cannot identify the patient or their family members (for rare inherited or genetic disease). Anonymisation may not fully protect patient identity.
URL Confidentiality and health records toolkit (BMA)