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Course image Medical Trainees' Conference 2022: Top Tips for the On-Call Medic
Medical Trainees' Conference

21 January 2022


Tackling a storm – managing endocrine emergencies
Dr Catherine Napier

A colitis crisis – IBD flares and their assessment and management
Dr Husnain Jafferbhoy

Reducing disability – thrombectomy for acute stroke
Dr Ivan Wiggam

Personalised medicine in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dr Nuru Noor

Teasing apart tuberculosis – TB on the medical take
Dr Tino Capocci

Misbehaving nephrons – assessing and managing acute kidney injury
Dr Samira Bell

It's just skin, what's the emergency?
Professor Minal Singh

Pyrexia of unknown origin: an unusual case
Dr Jennifer Grewar

Riddle me this: Low sodium, high BP & low GCS? Now place your bets!
Dr Alisa Angus

A prospective audit of bed utilisation and delays in care across London
Dr Milla Marinova

RCPE Fellows and Members
RCPE Fellows and Members
MSc Students
MSc Students