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Course image Alcohol and Substance Use: busting myths and finding solutions 2024
Public Health / Global Health

 18 April 2024


A European Perspective on Drugs and Alcohol
Ms Maria Neufeld

Scotland's Story
Dr Peter Rice

Case History
Dr Carey Lunan

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Professor Ana Hanlon Dearman

Mental Health
Dr Rebecca Lawrence

Cancer and cardiovascular disease
Professor Tim Stockwell

Liver disease
Dr Ewan Forrest

Alcohol interventions
Professor Julia Sinclair

Barriers and solutions
Dr Alastair MacGilchrist

Clinical presentations in primary and secondary care
Dr Jonathan Brett

Clinical presentations in primary and secondary care
Dr Carey Lunan

What are the drivers of drug deaths (DRD)?
Professor Catriona Matheson

Lessons from an international experience
Dr Jane Mounteney

Bringing evidence and innovation into drug services in Scotland
Dr Saket Priyadarshi

Novel approaches to harm reduction
Dr Jenny Scott

Drug use and the law
Iain H B Smith

RCPE Fellows and Members
RCPE Fellows and Members
MSc Students
MSc Students