Allergy / Immunology
Events & e-learning tagged with "Allergy / Immunology"
23 March 2021
Drug allergy: investigation, assessment and desensitisation
Dr Helen Bourne
25-26 November 2021
Day 1
Endocrine emergencies
Dr Rohana Wright
The many faces of thrombosis and its care in COVID-19 infection and vaccination
Professor Beverley Hunt
Epidemiology of COVID-19 – what we’ve learnt from the CCP-UK study
Dr Antonia Ho
Hype, hubris and hope: the use of technology in managing long-term conditions
Professor Brian McKinstry
Big data – supporting decisions and improving patient care
Professor Cathie Sudlow
Social media for science communication and education
Dr Muge Cevik
The neurology of TLoC and funny turns
Dr Richard Davenport
Anaphylaxis during the pandemic
Dr Malcolm Shepherd
Day 2
Drugs and alcohol at the front door
Professor Colin Drummond
Abnormal liver function tests (LFTs)
Dr Andrew Fraser
Learning from complaints
Dr Rhona Siegmeth
Acute kidney injury and the ageing kidney
Dr Fergus Caskey
Complex multimorbidity
Professor Frances Mair
Whole system approach to urgent care for older people living with frailty
Professor Simon Conroy
The acute team – use of treatment escalation plans to reduce patient harm
Professor Robin Taylor
The geriatrician - management of end of life discussions in the acute setting
Dr Gordon Duncan
22 January 2021
Neurology Clinical Cases: Clinical examination as an important piece of the puzzle
Dr Ingrid Hoeritzauer
Looking affy peely-wally? - the diagnostic approach to anaemia and its management
Dr Sudhir Tauro
Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: More than just an incidental finding?
Dr Una Clancy
Intensive Care Unit: Critical care for medical trainees
Dr John Smith
Frailty at the front door
Dr Rowan Wallace
Cardiology: An afternoon in the Coronary Care Unit
Dr Caroline Scally
“It’s always COVID”: Cognitive bias in the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr Ben Thompson & Dr Iyare Nehikhare
A case of disproportionate hypoxia
Dr Sam Sutton
Vague Symptoms: When they shouldn’t be dismissed
Dr Eleanor Gartside
Distinct T-cell immunophenotypic signature in a subset of sarcoidosis patients with arthritis
Dr Avinash Jain
6 June 2024
Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) vasculitis
Dr Stephen McAdoo and Dr Katie Ward
Early years
Dr Sylvia Kamphuis
Immune deficiencies - their range and recognition
Professor Siobhan Burns
Monogenic causes of inflammatory conditions - new kids on the block
Professor Sinisa Savic
9 May 2022
Adverse drug effects of new T2DM medication - Case Study
Dr Marta Olafsdottir
Diabetes: Use and side effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors
Professor Rafn Benediktsson
Immune checkpoint inhibitors and their side effects
Dr Sigurdis Haraldsdottir
Case Study
Dr Sæmundur Rögnvaldsson
Case Study
Dr Ólafur Orri Sturluson