
Events & e-learning tagged with "Dermatology"

Course image Rash, Limb Pain and Swelling 2020
EMUs 2019-20

Broadcast 26 May 2020


Red legs – when it’s not cellulitis
Dr Elaine Hindle

Leg attack and foot sepsis
Mr Russell Jamieson

Petechial and Purpuric Rashes – Differential Diagnosis and Management
Dr Julia Anderson

Course image RCPE Iraq: Updates in Clinical Medicine 2021
International Medical Updates (IMUs)

Broadcast on 30 November 2021


Approach to granulomatous skin diseases
Dr Hadaf Aljunaiyeh

The other face of iron deficiency
Dr Amer Shareef

Course image RCPE Bangladesh: Updates in Infectious Diseases 2021
International Medical Updates (IMUs)

Broadcast on 02 July 2021


Emerging and re-emerging viral infections
Professor Md. Titu Miah

Fungal Infections : an upcoming threat
Professor HAM Nazmul Ahasan

Antimicrobial Resistance - A new threat to the Globe
Professor Md. Robed Amin

Covid-19 infection, immunity and vaccination: updates for our experience from Bangladesh so far
Professor Firdausi Qadri

Course image Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day 2020
Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day

24-27 November 2020

Day 1

How to manage acute severe and life threatening asthma
Dr Donald Noble

Lung infection: today and tomorrow
Professor James Chalmers

Sepsis: the hidden medical emergency
Dr Monica Doyle

Targeting treatment for COVID-19
Professor Sir Michael Jacobs

Vasculitis for the generalist
Dr Paula Dospinescu

The red leg: assessment in the acute medical unit
Dr Girish Gupta

Day 2

The hypotensive toxic patient
Dr Euan Sandilands

The ECG in the poisoned patient
Professor Michael Eddleston

The behaviourally disturbed patient
Dr Catriona Howes

Dr Nicola Zammitt

Dr Sian Gilchrist

Deranged sodium
Dr Stuart Ritchie

The abnormal potassium
Dr Matt King

Dr Rachel Williamson

The abnormal blood gas
Dr Mark Longshaw

Deranged thyroid function tests
Dr Fraser Gibb

Day 3

Chest pain
Dr Anne Scott

Dr John Davison

Dr Gerry Carr-White

Acute medical problems in pregnancy
Miss Joanna Girling

Oncology emergencies: new drugs, new problems
Professor Ruth Plummer

HIV in the UK
Dr Naomi Bulteel

Reducing admissions and changing behaviours
Dr James Marple

Day 4

Professor Tom Robinson

Intracerebral haemorrhage
Professor Nikola Sprigg

Pain in advanced disease: assessment and management in the Acute Medical Unit
Dr Fiona Finlay

Anticoagulation for venous thromboembolism
Dr Ryan Rodgers

Too much medicine?
Dr Martin Wilson

Cancer of unknown primary
Dr Sally Clive

Dr Fiona Scott

Sexual health in the acute medical unit
Dr Sarah Allstaff

Course image Medical Trainees' Conference 2022: Top Tips for the On-Call Medic
Medical Trainees' Conference

21 January 2022


Tackling a storm – managing endocrine emergencies
Dr Catherine Napier

A colitis crisis – IBD flares and their assessment and management
Dr Husnain Jafferbhoy

Reducing disability – thrombectomy for acute stroke
Dr Ivan Wiggam

Personalised medicine in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dr Nuru Noor

Teasing apart tuberculosis – TB on the medical take
Dr Tino Capocci

Misbehaving nephrons – assessing and managing acute kidney injury
Dr Samira Bell

It's just skin, what's the emergency?
Professor Minal Singh

Pyrexia of unknown origin: an unusual case
Dr Jennifer Grewar

Riddle me this: Low sodium, high BP & low GCS? Now place your bets!
Dr Alisa Angus

A prospective audit of bed utilisation and delays in care across London
Dr Milla Marinova

Course image Connective Tissues Diseases - Time for Change?
Joint Specialty Symposia

6 June 2024


Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) vasculitis
Dr Stephen McAdoo and Dr Katie Ward

Early years
Dr Sylvia Kamphuis

Immune deficiencies - their range and recognition
Professor Siobhan Burns

Monogenic causes of inflammatory conditions - new kids on the block
Professor Sinisa Savic