
Events & e-learning tagged with "Emergency"

Course image Palliative Medicine 2024
EMUs 2023-24
Broadcast on 21 May 2024


Palliative care emergencies
Professor Paul Coulter

Pain management in palliative care - what are our options?
Professor Marie Fallon

Course image Acute Medicine 2023
EMUs 2022-23
Broadcast on 28 February 2023


Same day emergency care
Dr Rachel Sutherland

Clinical decision making
Dr Kerri Baker

Course image Getting to Grips with Gastroenterology 2022
EMUs 2021-22

Broadcast 22 March 2022


Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding: initial assessment and management
Dr Sarah Hearnshaw

What's new in IBD?
Dr Daniel Gaya

Liver regeneration, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
Dr Tom Bird

Course image Updates in Oncology 2021
EMUs 2021-22

Broadcast 23 November 2021


Immunotherapy - triumphs and toxicities
Dr Anna Olsson-Brown

Cancer of unknown primary
Dr Sally Clive

Assessment and management of common oncology emergencies at the front door
Dr Joanne Evans

Course image HDU - Management of the deteriorating patient 2021
EMUs 2021-22

Broadcast 28 September 2021


The delirious and agitated patient: Assessment and Management
Dr Valerie Page

Major Haemorrhage in the non-obstetric patient
Dr David Hall

Course image Keeping up with Kidneys 2020
EMUs 2020-21

Broadcast 27 October 2020


Medical emergencies in the dialysis patient
Dr Siobhan McManus

Hypertension: An update in management
Professor Isla Mackenzie

Multisystem disorders - when to think of vasculitis
Professor David Jayne

Course image The 17th International Conference of Jordan Society of Internal Medicine
International Medical Updates (IMUs)
Please note these are re-recordings of content delivered at The 17th International Conference of Jordan Society of Internal Medicine on 07 June 2023.
Course image Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day 2021
Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day

25-26 November 2021

Day 1

Endocrine emergencies
Dr Rohana Wright

The many faces of thrombosis and its care in COVID-19 infection and vaccination
Professor Beverley Hunt

Epidemiology of COVID-19 – what we’ve learnt from the CCP-UK study
Dr Antonia Ho

Hype, hubris and hope: the use of technology in managing long-term conditions
Professor Brian McKinstry

Big data – supporting decisions and improving patient care
Professor Cathie Sudlow

Social media for science communication and education
Dr Muge Cevik

The neurology of TLoC and funny turns
Dr Richard Davenport

Anaphylaxis during the pandemic
Dr Malcolm Shepherd

Day 2

Drugs and alcohol at the front door
Professor Colin Drummond

Abnormal liver function tests (LFTs)
Dr Andrew Fraser

Learning from complaints
Dr Rhona Siegmeth

Acute kidney injury and the ageing kidney
Dr Fergus Caskey

Complex multimorbidity
Professor Frances Mair

Whole system approach to urgent care for older people living with frailty
Professor Simon Conroy

The acute team – use of treatment escalation plans to reduce patient harm
Professor Robin Taylor

The geriatrician - management of end of life discussions in the acute setting
Dr Gordon Duncan

Course image Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day 2020
Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day

24-27 November 2020

Day 1

How to manage acute severe and life threatening asthma
Dr Donald Noble

Lung infection: today and tomorrow
Professor James Chalmers

Sepsis: the hidden medical emergency
Dr Monica Doyle

Targeting treatment for COVID-19
Professor Sir Michael Jacobs

Vasculitis for the generalist
Dr Paula Dospinescu

The red leg: assessment in the acute medical unit
Dr Girish Gupta

Day 2

The hypotensive toxic patient
Dr Euan Sandilands

The ECG in the poisoned patient
Professor Michael Eddleston

The behaviourally disturbed patient
Dr Catriona Howes

Dr Nicola Zammitt

Dr Sian Gilchrist

Deranged sodium
Dr Stuart Ritchie

The abnormal potassium
Dr Matt King

Dr Rachel Williamson

The abnormal blood gas
Dr Mark Longshaw

Deranged thyroid function tests
Dr Fraser Gibb

Day 3

Chest pain
Dr Anne Scott

Dr John Davison

Dr Gerry Carr-White

Acute medical problems in pregnancy
Miss Joanna Girling

Oncology emergencies: new drugs, new problems
Professor Ruth Plummer

HIV in the UK
Dr Naomi Bulteel

Reducing admissions and changing behaviours
Dr James Marple

Day 4

Professor Tom Robinson

Intracerebral haemorrhage
Professor Nikola Sprigg

Pain in advanced disease: assessment and management in the Acute Medical Unit
Dr Fiona Finlay

Anticoagulation for venous thromboembolism
Dr Ryan Rodgers

Too much medicine?
Dr Martin Wilson

Cancer of unknown primary
Dr Sally Clive

Dr Fiona Scott

Sexual health in the acute medical unit
Dr Sarah Allstaff

Course image Medicine of Older People 2023
Geriatric Medicine

10 March 2023


Major trauma in older people - what's new?
Dr George Peck

The new geriatric medicine curriculum - what do trainees and trainers need to know?
Dr Susan Pound & Dr Rebecca Winter

Introducing the new World Falls Guidelines
Professor Tahir Masud

Transforming care for older people with multiple long-term conditions – the ADMISSION collaborative
Professor Miles Witham

What’s new for benign and malignant prostate disease?
Dr Hazel Smith

Course image Medical Trainees' Conference 2022: Top Tips for the On-Call Medic
Medical Trainees' Conference

21 January 2022


Tackling a storm – managing endocrine emergencies
Dr Catherine Napier

A colitis crisis – IBD flares and their assessment and management
Dr Husnain Jafferbhoy

Reducing disability – thrombectomy for acute stroke
Dr Ivan Wiggam

Personalised medicine in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dr Nuru Noor

Teasing apart tuberculosis – TB on the medical take
Dr Tino Capocci

Misbehaving nephrons – assessing and managing acute kidney injury
Dr Samira Bell

It's just skin, what's the emergency?
Professor Minal Singh

Pyrexia of unknown origin: an unusual case
Dr Jennifer Grewar

Riddle me this: Low sodium, high BP & low GCS? Now place your bets!
Dr Alisa Angus

A prospective audit of bed utilisation and delays in care across London
Dr Milla Marinova

Course image Trainees' Conference 2021 - A day in the life of a medical trainee
Medical Trainees' Conference

22 January 2021


Neurology Clinical Cases: Clinical examination as an important piece of the puzzle
Dr Ingrid Hoeritzauer

Looking affy peely-wally? - the diagnostic approach to anaemia and its management
Dr Sudhir Tauro

Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: More than just an incidental finding?
Dr Una Clancy

Intensive Care Unit: Critical care for medical trainees
Dr John Smith

Frailty at the front door
Dr Rowan Wallace

Cardiology: An afternoon in the Coronary Care Unit
Dr Caroline Scally

β€œIt’s always COVID”: Cognitive bias in the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr Ben Thompson & Dr Iyare Nehikhare

A case of disproportionate hypoxia
Dr Sam Sutton

Vague Symptoms: When they shouldn’t be dismissed
Dr Eleanor Gartside

Distinct T-cell immunophenotypic signature in a subset of sarcoidosis patients with arthritis
Dr Avinash Jain

Course image Top Tips for New Junior Doctors
Medical Careers

How to survive your first week
Dr Jessica Selwood

Mastering the curriculum
Dr Gabriella Woodward-Smith

The jobs of a new doctor
Dr Vig Kandasamy

Who do I turn to for help?
Dr Jess McNiff


FY1 top tips: how to survive your first day as an FY1
Dr Libby Sampey

FY1 top tips: practical advice and portfolio
Dr Ronak Shah

How to deal with deteriorating patients
Dr Marilena Giannoudi

Thriving beats surviving: navigating your first year as a doctor
Dr Charlotte Squires

Q&A discussion
Dr Libby Sampey, Dr Ronak Shah, Dr Marilena Giannoudi, Dr Charlotte Squires. Chair: Dr Georgina Phillips


Top Tips for an FY1
Dr Georgina Phillips

Practicalities of managing acutely unwell patients, more than ABCDE
Dr Jonathan Bardgett

From Student Doctor to Doctor
Dr Alan MacKenzie

Q&A discussion
Dr Georgina Phillips, Dr Jonathan Bardgett, Dr Alan MacKenzie. Chair: Dr Victoria Moffat


Top tips for FY1s
Dr Christopher Holt

Managing the acutely unwell patient
Dr Danielle Jeffreys

Transitioning from student to doctor: top tips for keeping a healthy work life balance
Dr Patrice Baptiste


Top tips for FY1: A personal perspective
Dr Jonathan Kang

Managing unwell patients: Tips for your first on-call shifts
Dr Nicola Robinson

FY1: Managing the transition from student to doctor - learning to learn while working
Dr Fiona Cameron