Public Health

Events & e-learning tagged with "Public Health"

Course image Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day 2022
Acute Medicine: St Andrew's Day

24-25 November 2022

Day 1

Can we fix it? Recurrent infections and antimicrobial stewardship
Dr Morgan Evans

Preserved ejection fraction heart failure – when to call the cardiologist
Dr Alan Japp

Covid-19 outcomes based on ethnicity and gender
Professor Vittal Katikireddi

COVAX and vaccine equity: lessons learnt
Dr Ayoade Alakija

Differential attainment in healthcare workforce education and training in the UK
Professor Mala Rao

Nephrotic syndrome: primary and secondary
Professor Georgi Abraham

Diarrhoea at the front door: updates in inflammatory bowel disease
Dr Elaine Robertson

Medical and surgical challenges of the bariatric patient
Mr Andrew Robertson

Day 2

Use of non-invasive ventilation in acute and chronic respiratory failure (COPD and Sleep Apnoea)
Dr Patrick Murphy

Front door frailty and realistic medicine in action
Dr Rowan Wallace

High yield radiology at the front door
Dr Simon Jackson

Adverse childhood experiences
Professor Sir Harry Burns

Healthcare for prisoners
Dr Craig Sayers

Be aware of the rare: how not to miss inherited metabolic disorders in adults
Dr Eve Miller-Hodges

Maternal medicine – how to keep your NEWS lower than the patient
Professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy

SGLT-2 inhibitors (glofizins) – should we put them in tap water?
Dr Gemma Currie

Complications from contemporary cancer treatments
Dr Ninian Lang

Course image Alcohol and Substance Use: busting myths and finding solutions 2024
Public Health / Global Health

 18 April 2024


A European Perspective on Drugs and Alcohol
Ms Maria Neufeld

Scotland's Story
Dr Peter Rice

Case History
Dr Carey Lunan

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Professor Ana Hanlon Dearman

Mental Health
Dr Rebecca Lawrence

Cancer and cardiovascular disease
Professor Tim Stockwell

Liver disease
Dr Ewan Forrest

Alcohol interventions
Professor Julia Sinclair

Barriers and solutions
Dr Alastair MacGilchrist

Clinical presentations in primary and secondary care
Dr Jonathan Brett

Clinical presentations in primary and secondary care
Dr Carey Lunan

What are the drivers of drug deaths (DRD)?
Professor Catriona Matheson

Lessons from an international experience
Dr Jane Mounteney

Bringing evidence and innovation into drug services in Scotland
Dr Saket Priyadarshi

Novel approaches to harm reduction
Dr Jenny Scott

Drug use and the law
Iain H B Smith

Course image Optimising Health across the Life Course
Public Health / Global Health

 19 January 2023


How we start influences how we finish: a life course approach to disease reduction
Dr Valentin Fuster

Does early investment in health produce health gain?
Professor Sir Michael Marmot

A life course approach to intergenerational health
Dr Sarah Verbiest

Avoiding obesity - the place of medical treatments and social prescribing
Christiana Melam

Maximising your gut health
Dr Richard Hansen

Course image The Public's Health after Covid: Science and Social Justice
Public Health / Global Health

14 April 2021


Covid-19: real-time monitoring of Covid-19 in Scotland
Professor Mark Woolhouse

Covid-19: human behaviour from individual frailty to collective resilience
Professor Stephen Reicher

Covid-19: decision-making in public health
Professor Linda de Caestecker

Covid-19: decision-making in clinical practice
Professor Ewen Harrison

Covid-19: Scottish response - past, present and future
Dr Nicholas Phin

Health inequalities and Covid-19
Professor Sir Michael Marmot

Covid-19 and disadvantage
Professor Vittal Katikireddi

Covid-19: opportunities for public health ethics?
Dr ELM Maeckelberghe

Covid-19: opportunities to improve the crisis responses to homelessness
Ewan Aitken

Covid-19: public health messaging during the crisis and looking ahead
Professor Linda Bauld

Course image NHSS Global Citizenship Conference 2020
Public Health / Global Health

03 November 2020


Opening remarks
Professor John Brown CBE

A message from the First Minister of Scotland
Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP

Quality health services in the COVID-19 world
Dr Shams Syed

Panel discussion: Learning through sharing - Global Citizenship at home and abroad in COVID times
Dr Emily Broadis, Mr Mike McKirdy, Dr Rhona MacDonald, Professor Heather Cubie MBE

A message from the Minister for Europe and International Development
Rt Hon Jenny Gilruth MSP

Learning through action
Professor David Pencheon

A message from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport
Rt Hon Jeane Freeman MSP

Closing remarks
Professor Angela Thomas, OBE

Course image Health in a Changing Climate - Public Lecture
Public Health / Global Health

28 May 2019


Sir Andy Haines, Professor of Environmental Change and Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, delivered this Public Lecture on 28 May 2019.

This talk is available to Fellows, Members and the public.

Course image Creating a Community of Care 2019
Remote and Rural

12 November 2019


Training perspective
Dr Mike Jones

Generalism: The New Specialism (Broad Based Training)
Professor Graham Leese

Introducing GMC-regulated credentials
Ms Rose Ward

Rural and Remote Credential Update
Professor Alan Denison

Research into drinking in Remote Rural Areas of Scotland
Ms Jackie MacDiarmid

Rediscover the joy of Rural General Practice
Dr Kirsty Brightwell and Dr Charles Sindefin

A rapid assessment clinic for the older people of Skye
Dr Karen Le Ball

Enhance: The safety net we need
Dr Jean MacLeod

Inspiring Culture Change: Introducing Simulation Training to Caithness General Hospital
Dr Kirsty Griffiths

A new approach to rural healthcare education in the UK
Professor Kathy Jackson

The Nagasaki Islands Study
Dr Isao Shimokawa

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Med Student / FY

Course image Respiratory Medicine 2023

 23 March 2023


Update on pulmonary hypertension - from new diagnostic guidelines to disease modifying treatments
Dr Rachel Davies

Indications and evidence for domiciliary NIV
Dr Swapna Mandal

Infective complications of lung transplantation
Dr Anna Reed

Review of British Thoracic Society clinical statement on pulmonary sarcoidosis
Dr Chris Atkins

Lessons from the COVID pandemic, what to expect next time
Professor Mark Woolhouse

Course image Respiratory Medicine 2022

20 May 2022


25 years: The changing face of severe asthma management (as seen by a has been!)
Dr Rob Niven

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cohort data
Professor Wisia Wedzicha

Covid-19 and Covid recovery: working together across sectors
Professor Linda Bauld OBE

The national optimum lung cancer pathway
Professor David Baldwin

Integrated care in respiratory medicine
Dr Binita Kane

Course image Respiratory Medicine 2020

04 March 2020


Management of pleural infections: past, present and future
Dr Rahul Bhatnagar

Mesothelioma: are we prepared for 2020?
Professor Kevin Blyth

High value patient care in COPD: a primary care perspective
Carol Stonham MBE

Home NIV in COPD: who and when?
Dr Patrick Murphy

Course image SIGN@30: Adapt or Die? - Clinical Guidelines and the Infodemic

 19 September 2023


Welcome & Introductory Remarks
Professor Andrew Elder

Opening address
Professor Linda Bauld OBE

SIGN for the next 30 years...
Professor Angela Timoney

New approaches to guideline development - harnessing the work of others and avoiding duplication
Dr Miroslav Klugar

Impact of SIGN guidelines
Dr Jane Morris, Dr Jay Shetty, Dr Adam Daly, Professor Lesley Colvin & Dr Roberta James

Closing address: SIGN of the times
Professor Sir Gregor Smith

Course image RCPE: Aberdeen 2023
UK Conferences

15 March 2023 


Delirium: how to dispel the confusion
Dr Roy Soiza

Clinical trials in a crisis – lessons from RECOVERY
Sir Martin Landray

Large vessel giant cell arteritis (LV-GCA): not just a headache
Dr Lindsay Robertson

Personalised music playlists in different care settings
Mr Andy Lowndes