Volume 55: Issue 1: 2025
Letter to the Editor: Less than full-time training and future needs
Letter to the Editor: Medical career transparency in the digital age, a British perspective
Volume 54: Issue 4: 2024
Revisiting the conceptualisation and implications of medicine’s ‘hidden curriculum’
Making the transition from medical student to junior doctor
Renaming ‘junior doctors’ and beyond: Learning from international dialogue
‘No one has ever told us it will be fun’. Achieving fulfilment in medical practice
Storytelling: A learning tool to enhance medical students’ empathy, attentive listening, clinical curiosity and reflection
Volume 54: Issue 3: 2024
Less than full-time training, barriers and future needs. A UK-wide online survey of doctors in training
The rise of medical influencers: The pros and the cons
Looking beyond duty hours: Offering a balanced quantitative-qualitative approach to resident burnout
Critical analysis of the subspecialty stroke medicine curriculum: Social and political influences on its design and professionalism
Volume 54: Issue 2: 2024
Informed consent in clinical practice: Old problems, new challenges
On board against bias
Volume 54: Issue 1: 2024
Editorial: Leiden manifesto and evidence-based research: Are the appropriate standards being used for the correct evaluation of pluralism, gaps and relevance in medical research?
Physicians, know thy patient
Spotlighting ‘Medical Collegiality’
Hospital at home: Opportunity knocks or opportunity costs?
Volume 53: Issue 4: 2023
Editorial: Predatory journals: How to recognise and keep clear!
Editorial: Moral distress in healthcare professionals: Time to reflect
Out-of-hours decision-making in deteriorating patients by foundation year doctors: Relationship to moral distress
Letter to the Editor: A good teacher in the doctor: The vision and mission
Volume 53: Issue 3: 2023
Editorial: Personal data in biomedical research
Editorial: Affordability, inclusivity and justice – threats to the sustainability of the medical workforce in an economic crisis
Hyper-doing? Hyper-don’t
Volume 53: Issue 2: 2023
Editorial: ChatGPT, artificial intelligence and scientific writing: What authors, peer reviewers and editors should know
Self care and wellbeing in the face of COVID-19: Multidisciplinary perspectives and interprofessional experiences
Should we be chasing the elusive morning discharge?
Volume 53: Issue 1: 2023
Editorial: Social media for education and research: Practical considerations
Editorial: Climate change: What healthcare professionals can do
Achieving proportionate governance review in Scotland: Threats and solutions
Volume 52: Issue 4: 2022
Editorial: Researcher, author and reviewer profiles
Editorial: A geriatrician’s letter to Santa
Volume 52: Issue 3: 2022
Editorial: How can we make clinics better for all of us?
Editorial: Survey-based observational research: Quality, relevance and optimal use in the post-COVID-19 era
Volume 52: Issue 2: 2022
Preparation, relationship and reflection: Lessons for international medical electives
Volume 52: Issue 1: 2022
Editorial: Full time for quick fixes – supporting educators and learners in the ‘new normal’
Editorial: What is the future of the international conference: Dead or alive?
Editorial: An overview of the functionalities of PubMed
Volume 51: Issue 4: 2021
Editorial: Preprint publications: waste in haste or pragmatic progress?
Equality and diversity in health governance systems: are we getting it right and are there lessons from COVID-19?
Letter to the Editor: Overcoming and benefitting from the psychological challenges posed by cadaveric dissection
Letter to the Editor: Comments on ‘Psychological impact of cadaveric dissection on first-year medical students’
Letter to the Editor: Enhancements to Simulation via Instant Messaging – Birmingham Advance (SIMBA): addressing clinical communication
Letter to the Editor: Plurality of governance – plurality of systems
Volume 51: Issue 3: 2021
Editorial: Systematic reviews: current perspectives and future directions
Letter to the Editor: Keeping calm with cadaveric dissection in medical curricula
Letter to the Editor: Is PubMed coming to an end?
Volume 51: Issue 2: 2021
Editorial: Detecting and handling suspected plagiarism in submitted manuscripts
Editorial: Challenges to the UK medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic