Open access (public)

Events & e-learning tagged with "Open access (public)"

Course image Health in a Changing Climate - Public Lecture
Public Health / Global Health

28 May 2019


Sir Andy Haines, Professor of Environmental Change and Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, delivered this Public Lecture on 28 May 2019.

This talk is available to Fellows, Members and the public.

Course image COVID-19 Conversations

Podcasts and videos; conversations and perspectives.

Selected Content

Social Care During COVID-19
Sandy Cameron and Annie Gunner-Logan

Ethical Decision Making
Dr Oliver Thomas

The Effect of COVID-19 in Alabama
Dr Stephen Russell and Dr KeAndrea Titer

COVID-19 Conversations Podcast Series
Dr Adelina McLeod and Dr Rachel Sutherland interviewing colleagues from across the UK

Course image COVID-19 Critical Care: Understanding and Application

Learn the principles and practice of critical care for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic whilst protecting yourself and your peers, brought to you by RCPE and the University of Edinburgh.

Course image Top Tips for New Junior Doctors
Medical Careers

How to survive your first week
Dr Jessica Selwood

Mastering the curriculum
Dr Gabriella Woodward-Smith

The jobs of a new doctor
Dr Vig Kandasamy

Who do I turn to for help?
Dr Jess McNiff


FY1 top tips: how to survive your first day as an FY1
Dr Libby Sampey

FY1 top tips: practical advice and portfolio
Dr Ronak Shah

How to deal with deteriorating patients
Dr Marilena Giannoudi

Thriving beats surviving: navigating your first year as a doctor
Dr Charlotte Squires

Q&A discussion
Dr Libby Sampey, Dr Ronak Shah, Dr Marilena Giannoudi, Dr Charlotte Squires. Chair: Dr Georgina Phillips


Top Tips for an FY1
Dr Georgina Phillips

Practicalities of managing acutely unwell patients, more than ABCDE
Dr Jonathan Bardgett

From Student Doctor to Doctor
Dr Alan MacKenzie

Q&A discussion
Dr Georgina Phillips, Dr Jonathan Bardgett, Dr Alan MacKenzie. Chair: Dr Victoria Moffat


Top tips for FY1s
Dr Christopher Holt

Managing the acutely unwell patient
Dr Danielle Jeffreys

Transitioning from student to doctor: top tips for keeping a healthy work life balance
Dr Patrice Baptiste


Top tips for FY1: A personal perspective
Dr Jonathan Kang

Managing unwell patients: Tips for your first on-call shifts
Dr Nicola Robinson

FY1: Managing the transition from student to doctor - learning to learn while working
Dr Fiona Cameron

Course image Claiming back tax from professional expenses for doctors
Medical Careers

This guide is intended for doctors working and paying tax in the UK and Northern Ireland. It does not constitute professional financial advice and is for guidance only.

Course image The Internal Medicine Curriculum
Internal Medicine Training (IMT)

The Internal Medicine Curriculum: What I need to know
Dr Anna Olsson-Brown

The future of internal medicine training: A new curriculum for 2019
Dr Mike Jones

IMT discussion
Dr Anna Olsson-Brown and Dr Mike Jones

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Course image Creating a Healthy Team Culture
Life as a Consultant

6 November 2018


Ms Mags Bradbury

Undermining and Bullying: Implications and what to do about it
Miss Alice Hartley

Course image Don't Take It Personally

Dr Graham Nimmo and Dr Dorothy Armstrong in conversation.

Don’t Take It Personally explores self-care and compassion in the face of complaint, and the power of apology.

Course image Wellbeing and support

Resources covering: support services; how to keep well; communication and challenging conversations; and death, dying and bereavement. Includes a collection of RCPE health and wellbeing podcast recordings.

Course image Women in Leadership - 27 April 2023
Women in Leadership: RCPE & RCSEd in Association with AoMRC

 27 April 2023


Championing women in leadership
Dame Anne Richards

Building and leading effective teams - lessons from NASA and beyond
Professor Steven Yule

Widening participation
Dr MaryAnn Ferreux

Leadership and role-modelling: incorporating intersectional identities
Professor Chloe Orkin

Women’s leadership in medicine during the pandemic
Dr Melissa A. Wheeler and Dr Laksmi Sakura Govindasamy

Course image Clinical Conversations
RCPE Podcasts

A podcast from the T&MC. Discussing clinical topics from interesting clinical cases and diagnostic conundrums to updates on clinical guidelines. Relevant for any stage of training.

Course image Career Conversations
RCPE Podcasts

A podcast from the T&MC. Providing career progression support and insight into different specialties, relevant for doctors at any stage of training.

Course image Consultant Conversations
RCPE Podcasts

Brought to you by the Recently Appointed Consultants' Committee (RAC) of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Providing support to new consultants (and senior trainees) on the non-clinical side of the job.