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  • Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) educational events and digital learning content benefit thousands of healthcare professionals and students worldwide every year.

    It is important that speakers and contributors observe best practice in the use of images, videos and other media in presentations, talks and digital learning content, following current legal and ethical frameworks from Scotland and the rest of the UK.

    It is important that all speakers and contributors are aware of current legislation and requirements around the use of media in presentations. Please take time to read through this guidance.

    Disclaimer: This resource provides guidance only and does not constitute a statement of current Scottish law, nor should it be seen as an accurate or complete representation of Scottish law. Responsibility for any infringement of copyright rests with the person(s) making the copy.

  • Copyright

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Music / podcasts

  • Publication materials

  • Patient confidentiality

  • Archiving recorded talks